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Here is the list of items showing how many current eBay auctions are underway.
The detail will show the current bid price for the item.

Released: 2007
Year Released Year Retired Part NumberCategory Right Now on eBay
#3361 Lionel Lines Log Dump Car200720076-29873Dump Car1
#3494-275 Operating Boxcar200720076-29872Boxcar0
2007 Large Scale Holiday Boxcar200720078-87029Boxcar1
267W O Gauge Flying Yankee Set (Loco #616)200720086-31771Set7
3-Bay Unloading Station with 3 Dump Bins200720076-21450Accessory1
30 Watt Transformer200720146-14275Transformer0
9700 Canadian Pacific Boxcar200720086-25044Boxcar1
ACF Demonstrator 2-Bay Aluminum Hopper 44586200720076-22156Hopper - 2-Bay Offset Hopper2
ADM Steel-Sided Reefer 7019200720076-27349Reefer - Steel-Sided Reefer2
ADM Steel-Sided Refrigerator Car #7021200720076-27352Refrigerator Car1
ADM Steel-Sided Refrigerator Car 2-Pack200720076-21940Refrigerator Car2
ADM Steel-Sided Refrigerator Car 7020200720076-27351Refrigerator Car0
Alaska 0-6-0 Docksider Locomotive With Whistle #71200720096-38622Locomotive0
Alaska Bunk Car200720086-29623Bunk Car3
Alaska Caboose 1080200720076-36612Caboose - Center Cupola Caboose0
Alaska Crane Car With 2-Axle Trucks200720096-36840Crane Car1
Alaska Flatcar With Handcar200720086-26371Flatcar3
Alaska Gondola With Canisters200720086-26370Gondola1
Alaska Illuminated Work Caboose200720096-36608Caboose - Work Caboose2
Alaska Jet Snow Blower200720076-29868Snowplow0
Alaska Mp15 Diesel 1552, Horn200720076-22137Diesel0
Alaska O27 Flat Car With Wheel & Crate Load200720096-26369Flatcar3
Alaska Operating Coal Dump Car With Vehicle200720086-22144Dump Car1
Alaska RS3 Diesel200720076-28882Diesel0
Alaska Searchlight Car With Vehicle200720086-22151Searchlight Car0
Alaska Steam Work Train200720096-30045Set1
Alaska Three-Dome Tank Car200720096-36109Tank Car - Three Dome Tank Car0
Alaska Work Train Expansion Pack200720086-30046Multi Car Pack0
Alberta Cylindrical Hopper200720076-27173Hopper0
Alderney Dairy General American Milk Car200720076-27331Milk Car1
Alderney Dairy General American Milk Car 2-Pack200720076-11650Milk Car0
Alderney Dairy Reefer Milk Gen Amer #107200720076-27333Reefer0
Alderney Dairy Reefer Milk Gen Amer #108200720076-27334Reefer0
Alien Radioactive Car200720076-36829Flatcar4
Alien Smoke Boxcar200720076-36824Boxcar0
Alpenrose Dairy Milk Car (LOTS 2007)200720076-52456Milk Car2
Amaizo 8,000 Gallon One Dome Tank Car 15440200720076-17960Tank Car - One Dome Tank Car1
Angela Trotta Thomas Santa's Workshop Boxcar200720076-25034Boxcar5
Angelo's Pizza Delivery Van200720086-21569Vehicles2
Area 51 Three Dome Tank Car200720076-36104Tank Car - Three Dome Tank Car3
Arizona & California All-Purpose Husky Stack200720076-27555Stack Car0
Arizona & California All-Purpose Husky Stack #100012200720076-27556Stack Car0
Arizona & California All-Purpose Husky Stack Car200720076-27552Stack Car1
Arizona & California All-Purpose Husky Stack Car 2-Pack200720076-21896Stack Car1
Art Deco Box Car200720077-11059Boxcar0
Astoria Light, Heat & Power Porter Locomotive 4200720076-22138Locomotive0
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe "Acoma" Vista Dome Streamliner Pass K-Line200720086-21202Vista Dome Car0
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe "Cochiti" Diner Streamliner Pass K-Line200720086-21205Diner Car1
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe "Isleta" Coach Streamliner Pass K-Line200720086-21201Coach Car0
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe "Laguna" Pullman Streamliner Pass K-Line200720086-21200Pullman Car0
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe "Midnight Chief" Streamliner Car 2-Pack200720086-21204Streamliner Car0
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe "Midnight Chief" Streamliner Car 4-Pack200720086-21199Streamliner Car0
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe "Navajo" Observation Streamliner Pass K-Line200720086-21203Observation Car0
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe "Taos" Combine Streamliner Pass K-Line200720086-21206Combination Car0
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe 3-Bay Die-Cast Coal Hopper #178559200720076-27175Hopper - 3-Bay Hopper0
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe 3-Bay Die-Cast Coal Hopper #178560200720076-27176Hopper - 3-Bay Hopper0
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe 3-Bay Hopper 178558200720086-27167Hopper - 3-Bay Hopper0
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe 3-Bay Hopper 2-Pack200720076-21885Hopper - 3-Bay Hopper2
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe 4-6-4 Hudson Locomotive 3459200720076-38636Locomotive2
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe 40' Flatcar 191549 With Load200720086-27543Flatcar - 40' Flatcar3
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe ALCO Diesel AA Set, Horn200720086-21198Diesel AA Set3
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Animated Billboard200720076-21273Billboard1
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Boxcar200720076-21364Boxcar0
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Caboose200720096-36623Caboose0
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Chief Map Steel-Sided Reefer #11744200720076-22169Reefer - Steel-Sided Reefer0
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe E6 4-4-2 Atlantic Locomotive 1484200720096-11117Locomotive0
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe El Capitan Streamliner Diner200720076-35102Diner Car0
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe F3 Diesel A Unit 17200720076-34521Diesel1
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe F3 Diesel B Unit 17, Nonpowered200720076-34522Diesel0
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Heavyweight Baggage Rea #1026200720096-25542Baggage Car0
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Heavyweight Coach "Point Detour"200720096-25539Coach Car0
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Heavyweight Coach "Silver Beach"200720096-25543Coach Car0
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Heavyweight Combination US Mail200720096-25538Combination Car0
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Heavyweight Diner, Stationsounds200720096-25505Diner Car2
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Heavyweight Observation "Silver Springs"200720096-25541Observation Car0
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Heavyweight Passenger Car 2-Pack200720096-25504Passenger Car 2-Pack1
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Heavyweight Passenger Car 4-Pack200720096-25503Passenger Car 4-Pack0
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Heavyweight Sleeper "San Bartolo"200720096-25540Sleeper Car0
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Midnight Chief 2-Bay Hopper 162277200720086-21590Hopper - 2-Bay Hopper2
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Midnight Chief ALCO A Dummy Unit200720086-21459Diesel0
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Midnight Chief Boxcar 621593200720086-21593Boxcar0
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Midnight Chief Caboose200720086-21592Caboose0
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Midnight Chief Flatcar 94468 With Trailer200720086-21591Flatcar0
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Moe & Joe Flatcar200720086-36815Flatcar0
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Operating Log Dump Car With Vehicle200720076-21269Dump Car0
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Transparent Instruction Car200720086-36834Instruction Car8
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Warbonnet Boxcar (LOTS 2007)200720076-52477Boxcar5
Atlantic & East Carolina Boxcar 649306200720076-21243Boxcar0
Atlantis Marine World Aquarium Car (RMLI 2007)200720076-52433Aquarium Car4
Backhoe Construction Scene200720076-21447Accessory0
Baltimore & Ohio "Martha Washington" Heavyweight Diner, Stationsounds200720086-25523Diner Car2
Baltimore & Ohio 2-8-0 Consolidation Locomotive 2784, Railsounds200720086-11135Locomotive0
Baltimore & Ohio Caboose C-2445200720076-27609Caboose2
Baltimore & Ohio Covered Hopper 604321200720086-22184Hopper - 2-Bay Hopper0
Baltimore & Ohio Double-Door Boxcar 495289200720086-22171Boxcar - Double-Door Boxcar0
Baltimore & Ohio E7 Diesel AA Set200720076-34505Diesel AA Set1
Baltimore & Ohio Heavyweight "Sleeper Park City"200720076-25529Sleeper Car0
Baltimore & Ohio Heavyweight Baggage "Rea" #1602200720076-25528Baggage Car0
Baltimore & Ohio Heavyweight Baggage #662200720076-21186Baggage Car0
Baltimore & Ohio Heavyweight Coach "Fort Lee"200720076-21183Coach Car0
Baltimore & Ohio Heavyweight Coach "Lake Harriet"200720076-21182Coach Car0
Baltimore & Ohio Heavyweight Coach "St Peters"200720076-21181Coach Car0
Baltimore & Ohio Heavyweight Coach #3660200720076-25525Coach Car0
Baltimore & Ohio Heavyweight Combination "Green Spring" #1702200720076-25524Combination Car0
Baltimore & Ohio Heavyweight Diner "Dolly Madison"200720076-21187Diner Car0
Baltimore & Ohio Heavyweight Observation "Capitol Square"200720076-21184Observation Car0
Baltimore & Ohio Heavyweight Observation "Daniel William" #1402200720076-25527Observation Car0
Baltimore & Ohio Heavyweight Passenger Car 2-Pack200720076-25522Passenger Car0
Baltimore & Ohio Heavyweight Passenger Car 2-Pack200720076-21185Passenger Car 2-Pack0
Baltimore & Ohio Heavyweight Passenger Car 4-Pack200720076-25521Passenger Car0
Baltimore & Ohio Heavyweight Passenger Car 4-Pack200720076-21180Passenger Car 4-Pack0
Baltimore & Ohio Heavyweight Sleeper "Sugar Loaf Mountain"200720076-25526Sleeper Car0
Baltimore & Ohio Legacy E7 Diesel Non-Powered A Unit #1429200720076-34535Diesel0
Baltimore & Ohio Legacy E7 Diesel Powered A Unit #1425200720076-34534Diesel0
Baltimore & Ohio Offset Hopper #234356200720076-27013Hopper0
Baltimore & Ohio Offset Hopper #234357200720076-27014Hopper0
Baltimore & Ohio Offset Hopper #234358200720076-27015Hopper0
Baltimore & Ohio Operating Coal Dump Car With Vehicle200720076-21272Dump Car0
Baltimore & Ohio Operating Hopper With Coal200720086-22147Hopper - 2-Bay Hopper1
Baltimore & Ohio Quad Hopper200720116-27431Hopper - 4-Bay Hopper8
Baltimore & Ohio Semi-Scale Die Cast Pacific & Tender With Conventional Control & Trainfx #5300200720076-21179Locomotive0
Baltimore & Ohio Semi-Scale Die Cast Pacific & Tender With TMCC & Railsounds #5300200720076-21178Locomotive0
Barn And Chicken Coop200720106-21385Building2
Berkshire Locomotive And Tender #736200720076-11130Locomotive0
Best Friend Of Charleston Locomotive200720076-30065Locomotive1
Bethlehem Steel Switcher200720076-28432Switcher1
Birch Valley Lumber Co. Skeleton Log Car #4200720076-27588Log Car0
Birch Valley Lumber Co. Skeleton Log Car #5200720076-27589Log Car0
Birch Valley Lumber Co. Skeleton Log Car #6200720076-27590Log Car0
Birch Valley Lumber Shay Locomotive 5200720076-11141Locomotive1
Birch Valley Lumber Skeleton Log Car 3-Pack200720076-27587Log Car0
Boston & Albany Operating Log Dump Car200720096-22143Dump Car0
Boston & Maine 4-6-2 Pacific Locomotive 3713, Railsounds200720086-38641Locomotive0
Boston & Maine Boxcar200720086-25307Boxcar4
Boston & Maine Caboose200720086-36625Caboose0
Boston & Maine RS3 Diesel 1538200720096-21600Diesel0
Boy Flying Airplane200720076-21393Accessory0
Boy Flying Kite200720086-21252Accessory0
Boyd Bros. Ford Classic Truck200720086-21543Vehicles0
British Columbia Railway Log Dump Car200720086-36812Dump Car2
Burlington Northern All-Purpose Husky Stack #63325200720076-27553Stack Car1
Burlington Northern All-Purpose Husky Stack #63326200720076-27554Stack Car0
Burlington Northern All-Purpose Husky Stack Car 2-Pack200720076-21895Stack Car2
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Flatcar 585011 With Trailer200720086-22159Flatcar1
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Mechanical Refrigerator Car 2-Pack200720096-11652Refrigerator Car - Mechanical Refrigerator Car0
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Mechanical Refrigerator Car 798870200720076-27327Refrigerator Car - Mechanical Refrigerator Car1
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Western Fruit Express 57' Mechanical Refrigerator Car #798871200720096-27337Refrigerator Car - Mechanical Refrigerator Car0
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Western Fruit Express 57' Mechanical Refrigerator Car #798872200720096-27338Refrigerator Car - Mechanical Refrigerator Car0
California State Quarter Tank Car Bank200720076-21102Tank Car - One Dome Tank Car0
Canadian Pacific Log Dump200720076-36843Dump Car4
Canadian Pacific Plastic 2-Bay Hopper200720086-26409Hopper - 2-Bay Hopper1
Canadian Pacific Rail Boom Car 412567200720076-29859Boom Car0
Canadian Pacific Rail Crane Car 414475200720076-29858Crane Car1
Canadian Pacific Rail Gondola200720086-26375Gondola8
Canadian Pacific Rail Gondola 337061 With Canisters200720076-26332Gondola2
Canadian Pacific Searchlight Car200720086-36842Searchlight Car0
Canadian Pacific Square Window Caboose,Offset Cupola200720086-36614Caboose - Square Window Caboose0
Canadian Pacific Tank Car200720086-36110Tank Car - One Dome Tank Car0
Candy Cane Dump Car200720076-36848Dump Car1
Candy Cane One Dome Tank Car200720076-36108Tank Car - One Dome Tank Car0
Cape Cod Potato Chip Boxcar (NETCA 2007)200720076-52457Boxcar1
Cass Scenic Railroad Skeleton Log Car #7200720076-27591Log Car0
Cass Scenic Railroad Skeleton Log Car #8200720076-27592Log Car0
Cass Scenic Railroad Skeleton Log Car #9200720076-27593Log Car0
Cass Scenic Shay Locomotive 7200720076-11140Locomotive0
Cass Scenic Skeleton Log Car 3-Pack200720076-27586Log Car0
Central of Georgia Boxcar200720076-21245Boxcar0
Central Of New Jersey Boxcab Diesel 1000, Horn200720086-22140Diesel0
Central Of New Jersey Operating Ballast Dump Car200720076-21353Dump Car0
Chesapeake & Ohio 3-Bay Die-Cast Coal Hopper #86913200720086-27178Hopper - 3-Bay Hopper0
Chesapeake & Ohio 3-Bay Die-Cast Coal Hopper #86914200720086-27179Hopper - 3-Bay Hopper0
Chesapeake & Ohio 3-Bay Hopper 2-Pack200720086-21883Hopper - 3-Bay Hopper1
Chesapeake & Ohio 3-Bay Hopper 86912200720076-27165Hopper - 3-Bay Hopper1
Chesapeake & Ohio Berkshire 2-8-4200720096-11129Locomotive0
Chesapeake & Ohio Caboose C-1838200720096-36622Caboose - Center Cupola Caboose0
Chesapeake & Ohio D/C Wood Side Caboose #90332200720096-27602Caboose - Woodsided Caboose0
Chesapeake & Ohio Empire Builder Ready-To-Run Train Set (Legacy Scale 2-8-4 Berkshire #2696)200720096-30066Set0
Chesapeake & Ohio Empire Builder Train Set Box 2200720096-30067Set0
Chesapeake & Ohio F-19 4-6-2 Pacific Locomotive 490200720076-11128Locomotive0
Chesapeake & Ohio Offset Hopper #27028200720096-27028Hopper - 2-Bay Hopper0
Chesapeake & Ohio Operating Billboard200720086-22190Billboard0
Chesapeake & Ohio PS-1 Boxcar 18719200720086-27241Boxcar - PS-1 Boxcar1
Chessie Offset Hopper 234355200720076-27003Hopper - 2-Bay Offset Hopper0
Chessie Offset Hopper 3-Pack200720076-21882Hopper 3-Pack0
Chessie System Northeastern Caboose 1893200720076-17683Caboose - Northeastern Caboose1
Chicago & Eastern Illinois Offset Hopper #97394200720076-27004Hopper - 2-Bay Offset Hopper0
Chicago & Eastern Illinois Offset Hopper #97395200720076-27005Hopper - 2-Bay Offset Hopper0
Chicago & Eastern Illinois Offset Hopper #97396200720076-27006Hopper - 2-Bay Offset Hopper0
Chicago & Eastern Illinois Offset Hopper 3-Pack200720076-21879Hopper 3-Pack2
Chicago & Eastern Illinois Offset Hopper 97393200720076-27000Hopper - 2-Bay Offset Hopper2
Chicago & North Western 3-Bay Die-Cast Coal Hopper #135001200720086-27184Hopper - 3-Bay Hopper0
Chicago & North Western 3-Bay Die-Cast Coal Hopper #135002200720086-27185Hopper - 3-Bay Hopper0
Chicago & North Western 3-Bay Hopper 135000200720076-27168Hopper - 3-Bay Hopper0
Chicago & North Western 3-Bay Hopper 2-Pack200720086-21886Hopper - 3-Bay Hopper0
Chicago & North Western Hopper200720086-26400Hopper - 2-Bay Hopper5
Chicago & North Western U.S.R.A. Double-Sheathed Boxcar200720076-27234Boxcar - Double-Sheathed Boxcar4
Chicago & North Western/Up Tank Car (LCCA 2007)200720076-52455Tank Car - One Dome Tank Car10
Chicago South Shore & South Bend 15" Interurban 2-Pack (Powered & Dummy) With Passenger Trainfx Sound (Loco #25)200720076-21329Passenger Car 2-Pack2
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy S2 Diesel Switcher 9305, Horn200720076-22135Diesel0
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Stock Car 52731200720086-22172Stock Car0
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Stock Car 105254 (MLRRC 2007)200720076-52466Stock Car0
Christmas Music Boxcar 2007200720076-36833Boxcar3
Christmas Snowplow200720106-28427Snowplow1
Christmas Tractor Trailer With Trees200720086-24204Tractor and Trailer0
Christmas Trolley200720076-28434Trolley1
Church Figures, 5, With Accessories200720106-21444Figures3
Circus Accessories Rings And Things200720106-21436Accessory0
Circus Figures Acrobats And Clowns Figures, 10 Pieces200720106-21324Figures0
City Figures, 7, With Scooter200720106-21442Figures1
City Of San Francisco Express Car (CLRC 2007)200720076-52426Reefer3
City Traction Co. Classic Truck200720076-21296Vehicles0
City Traction Co. Trolley Add-On Pack200720086-21168Trolley0
City Traction Operating Trolley Barn200720096-22199Trolley1
City Traction Speeder Add-On200720086-21169Speeder0
City Water Authority Tower With Light200720096-22194Water Tower0
Cold Drinks Illuminated Vending Machine200720086-22193Accessory0
Colonial House200720106-21380Building1
Colorado State Quarter Die Cast 4-Bay Hopper Bank200720076-21108Hopper - 4-Bay Hopper1
Commemorative Boxcar (LRRC 2007)200720076-29947Boxcar9
Conrail Boom Car200720076-21487Boom Car0
Conrail Caboose 19674200720076-36611Caboose - Center Cupola Caboose1
Conrail Flatcar 705910 With Norfolk Southern Container200720086-22161Flatcar0
Conrail GP20 Diesel200720076-28881Diesel1
Conrail Northeastern Caboose 18873200720076-17684Caboose - Northeastern Caboose4
Conrail Operating Work Crane200720076-21486Crane Car0
Conrail U30C Diesel 6837200720076-28267Diesel0
Conrail U30C Diesel 6838, Nonpowered200720086-28268Diesel2
Construction Worker With Pick200720076-21392Accessory0
Cotton Belt Boxcar200720076-21244Boxcar0
Cotton Belt U.S.R.A. Double-Sheathed Boxcar200720076-27233Boxcar - Double-Sheathed Boxcar3
Country L-Shaped Ranch House200720106-21388Building3
CSX All-Purpose Husky Stack #620355200720076-27550Stack Car2
CSX All-Purpose Husky Stack #620356200720076-27551Stack Car0
CSX All-Purpose Husky Stack Car 2-Pack200720076-21894Stack Car0
CSX Flatcar 600514 With Pipes200720086-26357Flatcar0
CSX Husky Stack #620357200720086-27557Stack Car1
CSX Husky Stack #620358200720086-27558Stack Car0
CSX Husky Stack #620359200720086-27559Stack Car0
CSX Husky Stack #620360200720086-27560Stack Car0
CSX Legacy SD40-2 #3329200720086-28273Locomotive0
CSX SD40-2 Diesel Husky Stack Car Set200720086-31760Freight Set1
Dairymen's League Operating Milk Car, Green, With Platform200720086-22149Milk Car0
Dairymen's League Operating Milk Car, White, With Platform200720076-22203Milk Car0
Dealer Christmas Boxcar 2007200720076-29954Boxcar13
Deep Rock Three Dome Tank Car 2152200720086-22188Tank Car - Three Dome Tank Car0
Delaware & Hudson 2-Bay Rib Side Hopper 5737200720076-22154Hopper - 2-Bay Hopper0
Delaware & Hudson One Dome Tank Car 55200720086-26197Tank Car - One Dome Tank Car1

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eBay compatible application Last Updated February 10, 2025, 8:16 am
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